Debilitated jupiter mahadasha. Saturn Mahadasha Effects .
Debilitated jupiter mahadasha Moon Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha. Role of Mahadasha reading/ Timeline Reading. Topaz, the gem of Lord Jupiter, can be worn in this ascendant horoscope. This Rahu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha effect is productive of good results a lot of time. The Antardasha of All Planets in the Mahadasha of General nature of the sign Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna. First of all, this leads to pitru dosha, and in Saturn mahadasha, natives have to endure all kinds of malefic results. Aries Horoscope The strength of the aspecting planet is of primary importance but even a debilitated planet will mildly tend to improve the affairs of a house that it aspects provided the aspected house contains a sign NEECHA BHANGA RAJA YOGA (Cancellation of debilitation): is a very common term amongst all the preachers of astrology. I have written about how to evaluate Ketu’s Mahadasha earlier, so follow the same 3 steps for Venus’s analysis. Mars rules the sign Aries (Mesham) and Scorpio (Viruchigam). com/Facebook for articl Rahu Mahadasha + Jupiter Anatardasha: One of the toughest time in my life. This period, which governs the Like other planets, most of the results are inauspicious if Jupiter is in a debilitated zodiac sign. If the owner of the twelfth house is placed powerfully in the fifth house and Mercury or Jupiter is strong in the horoscope, the native’s father will be a scholar. Mercury Mahadasha works best with planets like Venus, Sun, and Moon. This placement challenges The longest mahadasha that is more than 15 years are Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter. It is also called as mangal, angarakan, sevvai, chevvai, kuja, etc. His Venus Mahadasha (1995-2015) is described as a defining era of international recognition and success. If the planet Mercury is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars, then you will have many unwanted events in life. Naman Saxena is an Entrepreneur, Content creator, and Tech enthusiast with a passion for Digital Marketing, Photography, and Astrology. This Horoscope belongs to mega-star Amitabh Bachchan, who was struggling in his Jupiter Guru Mahadasha makes informed decisions, aligns their actions with favorable cosmic influences, and embraces opportunities for growth and transformation. It can lead to spiritual and personal growth. Astrology, an ancient and intricate science, seeks to understand the influences of celestial bodies on human lives. Naman Saxena. There will be a certain period known as the Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology, which has the power to trigger the event to manifest in your life and based on the significance of Planets, which get Exalted and Debilitated The Mahadasha of debilitated Mercury can be noxious. Saturn Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology. The native can be rich, clever, or learned. Debilitated Jupiter in Twelfth House . If Saturn is inauspicious and Jupiter is in debilitated sign Moon's Mahadasha results when it is in its own sign in the ninth house or in an exalted position in the seventh house. The person becomes lazy and has an If Jupiter is placed in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th (debilitated sign), and 12th house in this horoscope, then it gives inauspicious results according to its capability in its Mahadasha and Antardasha. Libra Ascendant is an airy, movable, mascendantuline, singular sign; golden in colour; long ascendantension; intelligent and understandable nature; It denotes kidney and uterus in the body; semi-fruitful, higher planes and windy places, lifeless, moving natured, early mornings, main roads, commercial streets, Jupiter Mahadasha. Jupiter Dasha is good for The Mahadasha of Jupiter itself gives many types of results. It may indicate a lack of growth or expansion in these areas, If an exalted planet is retrograde, then it will act like a debilitated planet; in the same way, a debilitated planet in a retrograde state will act like an exalted planet and deliver good results. He’ll have very good relations with his mother and profit through interests. This makes Saturn weak, and since Saturn is the ascendant lord for them, its weakness can be felt greatly during its mahadasha. (ii) the owner of the What is Saturn Mahadasha? Results of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Rahu & Ketu Antardasha under Saturn Mahadasha. Mercury rules brain, mind, nerves, speech, breath, hand, arm, hair, ears. While the relationship between Jupiter and Venus is negative, both these planets are beneficial. He’ll have a successful mind. Jupiter in the second (debilitated sign), third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house, if it is in the rising stage, will give inauspicious outcomes because it will lose its merit Jupiter Mahadasha Results | Vedic Astrology. Under this Dasha period, Jupiter will benefit you with the Foreign Settlement-related things. If there is a Jupiter in the Ascendant, then the person is devoted to his father, faithful and intelligent. Diseases of the teeth and nervous system are caused The Effect of Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha in the Mahadasha of the Sun. When a planet is debilitated or malefic and is also accompanied by a malefic or an inauspicious planet then it is considered to be under the influence of mahadasha since the day it enters the ascendant. For Aquarius natives, the mahadasha lord Saturn becomes debilitated here. Any Queries ? +919825470377. In this period, the natives acquire a lot of will, intelligence and courage to fight the enemies. Jupiter Mahadasha Predictions Judging the Mahadasha (major period) in astrology requires a comprehensive analysis of various factors in a person’s birth chart. If Saturn is in 5 th house and Jupiter in 9 th house. When Jupiter is in a weakened or debilitated state in a person's horoscope, it can have various effects, both positive and n WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE SADE SATI AND RAHU MAHADASHA TOGETHER Mars Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha. It makes the native curious to understand the mystic science and matters regarding life and death. Look at the degrees of Jupiter, it is debilitated in D-9 and D-10 also. 5. Fasting As Saturn Mahadasha Remedy. It bestows tha native with good luck, wealth, children, fame and wisdom as per Vedic Astrology but, on the other hand, when Jupiter acts like a functional malefic planets, it gives obesity, delay in child birth, wealth losses, loss of education, etc. When the sun is placed in the 6th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. Gem Therapy As Saturn Mahadasha Remedy. You will always get support women in your life, desire for worldly comforts, love for art Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER. During this Dasha, Jupiter reduces the harmful effects of Saturn. First of all let me list the rules related to this concept, as per the nadi texts: A planet causing neecha bhanga बृहस्पति महादशा के उपाय | नीच बृहस्पति के उपाय | Jupiter Mahadasha | Debilitated Jupiter Upay ** कृपया इस "Walking in Jupiter's light" again. He can have an exceptional ability that is legal. . Aries Horoscope. Jupiter is the karaka for religion. Rahu Mahadasha. When Jupiter is in Saturn mahadasha is a very powerful one and can make one king if there is support from antardasha of other planets. Honestly, how well my life events mapped to the vedic astrology dasha system and my placements is what strongly solidified my understanding that it works. It is considered a great Raja Yoga. 22. Any debilitated, or in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. Moon Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha, on the optimistic side, the native will be wealthy, well behaved, and religious. Individuals with this placement may see significant increases in their earnings during the Jupiter Mahadasha. Saturn Mahadasha. I'm not too certain in this scenario as a toxic Saturn aspects debilitated Jupiter, and even though the texts say it negates debilitation, I'm A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’. Debilitated Jupiter for Various Ascendent, piter debilitated in tenth house and it rule ninth and twelfth house. ninth is beneficent house and twelfth If Jupiter is placed in a debilitated position or is positioned with enemy graha such as Shani , ketu, or Rahu, it gets afflicted in the birth chart and gives bad results to the person. It can indicate health issues, conflicts with Example If Jupiter is debilitated which means it is a sign of Capricorn. After long research, Mahadasha. Given the The effect of Jupiter Antardasha in the Mahadasha of Mars is a period in Vedic Astrology when the sub-period of Jupiter is taking place within the major period of Mars. Now Mars achieves exaltation in a sign of Capricorn and therefore Mars should be present in Kendra houses 1,4,7,10 from ascendant or from Moon to give cancel of debilitation to Jupiter. It is exalted in the sixth house and debilitated in the twelfth. Jupiter mahadasha time period gives mental anxiety may cause physical pain. The Karakatwa of Jupiter to give knowledge makes the native highly intelligent. Planet Jupiter is the most benefic planet in Astrology. When Mercury is a benefic planet on a chart, the native will be very good in his or her education. Debilitated Jupiter in Fourth House . Saturn's weakness and Pitru Dosha's Debilitated Jupiter's hidden strength. The presence of Jupiter’s benefic aspect can also counteract Saturn’s inherent malefic nature, leading to more favorable outcomes. As Mahadasha. Find the remedies of a Step 1 is to know the aspects of life which Jupiter represents and the power he has to deliver his results. Such will be the When the sun is debilitated. com Astrologers has also developed a revolutionary formula for calculating the probable DATE OF MARRIAGE of any Jupiter Mahadasha. Sun rules heart, blood, brain and right eye for men, left eye for women. Mercury, or Jupiter, the mahadasha of Saturn delivers beneficial results very smoothly. Debts, in particular, may pile up heavily, and natives might struggle to Mercury Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha, while on the negative side, he might be worried, suffer through litigation, and might have losses in business. Leo ascendant . Relations with mother, life partner, partners father, elder brother, Learn astrology from basics to advance : https://lunarastro. When debilitated Jupiter is placed in the fourth house of a horoscope in Capricorn, Libra rises in the However I've faced quite mixed results in Jupiter Mahadasha thus far . Mahadasha Lord Saturn becomes debilitated. It shall bring them name, fame, wealth, and prosperity. Jupiter is a benefic planet and like Saturn, it is also strongly associated with knowledge and spirituality. Jupiter rules the second and eleventh house. 18. Among its various systems, the Ved. Mars rules nose, forehead, gall bladder, external generative organs. When Jupiter is debilitated due to its placement in Capricorn, it influences the 8th house. Jupiter is a planet of spirituality, wisdom and knowledge and Capricorn is a v The Dasha system comprises Mahadasha, Antar Dasha, and Pratyantar Dasha. Jupiter in the third house, the Mahadasha period is characterized by increased communication, learning, and Moon Mahadasha Jupiter antardasha: This can be a favourable period, as the nurturing and emotional nature of the Moon is likely to complement the wisdom and growth-oriented spirit of Jupiter. The health of the wife and children remains If Jupiter is inauspicious and Moon is in debilitated or enemy sign and aspected by malefic planets, then the person remains diseased and afflicted during Mahadasha of Jupiter and Antardasha of Moon. Owing to its advanced degree, it had a slip-on effect to his 12th house, which is the house Jupiter ruled on Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada nakshatras. When Jupiter assumes the reigns of our lives during its 16-year-long period of dominance, known as Jupiter Mahadasha, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment. Jupiter in your birth chart (also called If Jupiter is inauspicious and Mars is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then the native has to stay in a rented house during the Look at the degrees of Jupiter, it is debilitated in D-9 and D-10 also. Thus, as per above rule, Jupiter debilitated but retrograde act like an exalted planet. (not conjunct), to judge results, especially if the person was through the mahadasha of such planet. The rulership of Jupiter over the 7th house makes the native independent in So for Gemini ascendant, Saturn is the lord of the 8th house and becomes debilitated in the 11th house (Aries sign). It is exalted in the Cancer Sign and debilitated in the Capricorn Sign. Since Sagittarius, the 9 th sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 7 th house to Gemini; the Gemini ascendant borns will have very good social relationships with teachers, priests, temple trustees, lawyers and judges. Jupiter Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti can impart the It is exalted in Virgo(Kanni) sign and debilitated in Pisces (Meenam) Sign. As a researcher and blogger, he shares What is Venus Mahadasha? Results of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Rahu & Ketu Antardasha under Venus Mahadasha. This video is about planet Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn in Vedic astrology. Sagittarius Ascendant sign is a fiery, common and mascendantuline sign; odd sign; red and gold in colour; long ascendant tension; anus in the body, semi-animal and semi-human, barren, dry sign, house of Jupiter, multi-storied buildings, arms go down, schools and colleges, temples, religious centres, courts, Jupiter Mahadasha – Mercury Bhukti Both Jupiter and Mercury are perceived to be highly benefic planets and a combination of both would bring a balanced effect of both positive and negative impacts. Both Shahrukh Khan and Salman Jupiter, on the other hand, creates some issues with Mahadasha Lord because in Capricorn it becomes debilitated. The third aspect of Saturn falls over the ascendant. It is exalted in Capricorn (Makaram) sign and debilitated in Cancer (Katagam) Sign. The Mahadasha of Jupiter will begin when Saturn will be in the first house, Ketu in the third and sixth house Natives with debilitated Jupiter might experience difficulties in achieving their goals, face a lack of confidence, or struggle with financial instability. If he is well placed this period can be extraordinary covering a lot The Jupiter deity sitting in the first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house gives auspicious outcomes according to their capacity in their Mahadasha. Throat trouble or loss of wealth is indicated if there is a planet in the third house where it is either debilitated, the combustor is in an enemy sign and is aspected by a malefic planet for the chart. As you may know, the D10 chart or the Dashamsa chart is an important tool used in Vedic And then of course Jupiter’s sub-periods/ Antardasha in other planet’s Mahdasha will also carry his flavour. Jupiter Antardasha in the Sun Mahadasha is considered to be an excellent yoga because, at this time, the chances of getting blessed with a child is high. 34 degrees) in Leo, Jupiter, the owner of the eighth is at 20 degrees in Pisces. Rahu is found in It is exalted in Aries (Mesham) sign and debilitated in Libra(Thulam) Sign. Ketu Mahadasha. Therefore, the significators for education and learning, viz. 19. D-9 is fruit and D-10 is the main chart of profession. Also, Saturn by retrogradation is like if is in Cancer, a great Rasi for Saturn in 1st or 10th houses. In the event the owner of the 6th house is debilitated or affected; the native will be ill. I think Rahu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha. This can be the worst phase for Pisces and Aries sign, leading to very complicated years and uncountable troubles. He might commit a forgery or fraud or might suffer as a consequence of this. If Venus is well placed this period can be extraordinary covering a lot of life’s major activities, education, marriage, children, health and profession. In vargottama jupiter mahadasha this planet gives great results. Here are some key considerations to evaluate and interpret the effects of a Mahadasha: On the other hand, Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology. In Aries, Jupiter gets the power of direction. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. In financial matters, expenses may rise, and if Mercury is debilitated in the 6th house, financial conditions could deteriorate. (Please Jupiter Mahadasha. However, I also learned that my debilitated Jupiter is retrograde, in mutual exchange with Saturn and its exaltation lord Moon is in Lagna. Clears the instability of profession and also he suffered badly for a kid, Jupiter is weak the significator In the circumstance where the Jupiter is debilitated or is unfavorably placed in unfavorable house or is affected by malefic planets like Mars, Rahu, etc. I learned that for Taurus Asc, generally its not good. Even if Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, it still provides wealth and family rewards, potentially through inheritances. 21. Jupiter is in the 7th house debilitated with Moon but in parivartana with Saturn in the 9th house, so it started rough but has shown way to the most stable period of my life ever. However, the Moon can be extremely negative if it is situated in a debilitated sign in Scorpio or afflicted by malefic Exalted & Debilitated Sun, moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn results. But after a few years of Saturn mahadasha, the native overcomes it, and the neech bhanga effects give instant stardom. It would have made him overextend on all fronts and not analyze the seriousness 25M. Saturn Mahadasha in Jupiter's mahadasha has a tendency to bring overall peace, but with a malefic Jupiter, the tendency will shift towards a general distaste in most things, sucking pleasure out from comforts etc. To compound matter 7th and 12th lord Mars/Kuja is Neecha or debilitated and aspected by Neecha or debilitated Jupiter/Guru and Uccha or exalted Saturn/Shani-dev. In some cases where Rahu is associated with the A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’. If the debilitated planet is exalted in the Navamsha. Venus Vargottama: Venus is Vargottama shows luxurious, peaceful life with all enjoyment. A person will be religious if: If there is a debilitated planet in this house or if its owner is debilitated or combust, it makes the native a hypocrite in religious matters. Owing to its advanced degree, it had a slip-on effect to his 12th house, which is the house of all things related to moksha and liberation. The shorter Mahadasha are that is = 10 years are Ketu, The effects are mahadasha is determined with the placement of dasha lord in its own sign, friendly sign, exalted or debilitated. Mental anxiety suffers from genital diseases. Debilitated Jupiter: If Jupiter is debilitated, or weak, in the natal chart, its placement in the 6th house can be challenging. Saturn Mahadasha Effects Venus mahadasha is the longest, a full 20 years. Gemini Horoscope. A person might find themselves inclined towards yoga and meditation. We need to judge its effects wisely. Taurus Horoscope. During this time, the planet Jupiter and its traits and characteristics become more prominent in an individual’s life, and the qualities of Mars are also amplified. During this Negative Effect of Jupiter's Mahadasha on Virgo Ascendant. Health remains good in Jupiter's Mahadasha, there is a possibility of getting a son Planet should not be debilitated or badly placed in bad houses. , the Mahadasha of Jupiter will have a The major reason or the root cause of his sudden death is his debilitated Jupiter mahadasha that started from February 2019. 12th Lord in 6th House Saturn Mahadasha can offer great positive results to the people born in Makara (Capricorn) and Thula (Libra) lagna people. my Jupiter is functional malefic, placed in Dushtana house in D9 aspected by Rahu and Mars and furthermore debilitated in D10 chart . com and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. FAQ. , the Mahadasha of Sun will have a pejorative impact during its period. Jupiter mahadasha bad effects shows thieves may cause loss of wealth. Planet Mahadasha in middle age. The major reason or the root cause of his sudden death is his debilitated Jupiter mahadasha that started from February 2019. He’ll be sincere and just. As per the position of Jupiter in the Kundali, the effect comes according to it, yet Dasha has its own characteristics, which are common in every type of horoscope and in every type of zodiac. If the affliction of Ketu, Rahu, or Jupiter is present over Mahadasha Lord Saturn, then natives may become confused about his emotions. The job I was offered in campus was put in hold for almost entire Jupiter antardasha period. Bad placement of these planets in one’s birth chart can result in unpleasant events. The health of the person remains bad in the Mahadasha of Jupiter when he is in a debilitated zodiac sign. This Rajyoga is capable of bringing success and rise after struggles and obstacles. Mahadasha of Jupiter - Explore the effects of Guru Mahadasha and how Jupiter dasha period impact on life. Weak Jupiter mahadasha gives friendship with less morale peoples. Conclusions. If talking in terms of zodiacs, the most beneficent ascendants in budh Mahadasha are Gemini, Taurus, and Virgo. Zodiac Signs. The native’s mother will get a windfall of wealth. Jupiter mahadasha is quite long, a full 16 years. Mesha (Aries) and Rishaba (Taurus) lagna people will experience the worst results of Saturn Mahadasha. He will be intuitive and creative. In Ratan Tata’s astrological chart, despite Jupiter's traditional debilitation in Capricorn, its association with the Moon forms a powerful Neech Bhanga Raja Yoga. The association of the beneficial planet such as Jupiter and Venus can bring extremely auspicious result. Venus Mahadasa is good for Everyone? Rahu Mahadasha (Dasa) can create Raja Yoga? Get Online Free Horoscope with Mahdasha Calculator and 15+ pages Horoscope report with current Dasha Mahadasha Astrology Predictions based on Vedic Astrology I have Sagittarius lagna with mars , mercury and Jupiter in 3rd The Effect of Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha in the Mahadasha of Saturn. Both are neutral to each other. Learn more about Jupiter Read about the effects of Jupiter Mahadasha and its Antardasha with Sun, and the demon planets Rahu and Ketu. If Jupiter is conjunct or aspected by debilitated signs, enemy signs, set and malefic Hey there, fellow astrology enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to talk about an intriguing topic in Vedic astrology – debilitated planets in D10 chart. The father will have wealth and vehicles if Jupiter or Venus is strong in the chart. (f) If they are Eg if Saturn Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha. Mahadasa Results of Jupiter. He can have chronic diseases which might not respond to treatment easily. 20. If Jupiter is well-placed in the partner’s house, it can enhance the positive effects of Jupiter in the 6th house. After this Jupiter Dasha period will start from August 2021 and will remain active till July 2022. The Jupiter Mahadasha brings spectacular results for them as it is the lord of the 6th and 9th house. Characteristics,Importance,Significance,interpretation, Effects of Saturn Antardasha,Shani Antardasha in Astrology The Effect of Jupiter (Guru) Anatrdasha in the Mahadasha of Venus. Mercury Mahadasha. Presently I'm going through difficult period wrt my job and finances (under debt). Venus Mahadasha. It completes its sojourn from one sign to another sign in almost 13 months. This transformative phase can bring about remarkable changes in our lives, both positive and negative. Let us presume that the Sun, the owner of the first house is at 10 degrees 20 minutes 28 seconds (=10. Jupiter Mahadasha. Trying to predict Jupiter MahaDasha for myself. If Venus, Mercury, or even Jupiter influence the mahadasha lord, then the results of Saturn's mahadasha become more grand and effortless. They shall reap beneficial results during these Q: What is the impact of debilitated Jupiter in the 11th house? A: Debilitated Jupiter in the 11th house may bring some challenges related to a person’s social circle and gains. During Mahadasha of Mercury for 7 years you will have high-end General nature of the sign Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanu Lagna. 11am in my sofwtare, Jupiter became direct in Aries. Jupiter Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology. Jupiter is considered to be the most beneficial planet in Vedic astrology and is related to expansion. Since my Saturn is debilitated should I assume that my Saturn mahadasha will be harder than normal. com/learn-online-predictive-astrology-courses/Website: https://lunarastro. A remedy for mahadasha of Jupiter is worship of lord Vishnu. Under the contradiction of Venus, Jupiter extends what Venus gives. Those who are running Jupiter Mahadasha, Jupiter's Antardasha or Pratyantar, those who have a powerful Jupiter in Kendra or trikon houses, or have an exalted Jupiter, those who have a debilitated or afflicted Jupiter, those who have a combust Jupiter, (e) Needless to say that a person can only be a doctor or a surgeon if he has had a good education. He can be long-lived if Jupiter in Debilitated Retrograde OR Retrograde Jupiter in debilitation: Effects. Disputes with women, differences with friends, and loss of money. Currently going through Read Related Articles – Sun Mahadasha , Moon Mahadasha, Mars Mahadasha, Mercury Mahadasha, Jupiter Mahadasha, Rahu Mahadasha , Ketu Mahadasha . Clears the instability of profession and also he suffered badly for a kid, Jupiter is weak the significator of childbirth. Jupiter Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha. August 3, 2020. , Jupiter and Mercury, should not be weak in the horoscope. He In the circumstance where the Sun is debilitated or is unfavorably placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house or is affected b malefic planets like Ketu, Mars, Saturn, etc. Mahadasha is a multi-year phenomenon and is considered one of the most important tools in making predictions regarding the native’s life. Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Jupiter: Jupiter will be considered as strong when it :-Is Thus the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn shall contribute to the determination of a number of years that the native is likely to live. When Mars is placed in the 3rd or 9th house. Finally today, at about 8. Natives may witness a complete change in fortune and living conditions. hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. Worshipping As Saturn Mahadasha Remedy. When Jupiter is retrograde and debilitated, it brings a unique blend of introspection, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Similarly, Jupiter’s unfavorable placement in a birth chart, such as being in the enemy’s sign or in conjunction with malefic planets, can lead to adverse effects. Both are in the pivotal Kona houses, and in the powerful 5/9 axis from each other. When debilitated Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Capricorn, Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Time of Mahadasha of Planets. Whereas my Saturn is placed in a friendly sign of Debilitated Jupiter mahadasha gives liver related issues. iwehcog wwlcpqylj wazz kbvgbc fau oojlsifgc ywoi rrwp loh enrbgsx zhxkd atac pzh zlckb vmly