Radio altimeter callouts. There is no gear callout if the aircraft has a fixed gear.
Radio altimeter callouts If you don't get the 2500 call (two thousand five hundred) you have to call this one too as pm. The radio altimeter indications should not be below the This briefing provides a review and discussion of the following aspects, highlighting the lessons learned from incidents / accidents (particularly during approach-and-landing): Barometric The radio height alert is inhibited (call-out); The radio altitude minimums alert display (displayed in the PFD in white) is blanked out; and, The reference altitude marker on the altimeter (green carrot) is reset to zero. "FIELD_500_ABOVE" is like "FIELD_500", but triggers a "500 above" callout (instead of "500"). At 11:42:00, the flight crew announced to the controller that they were going around (Point 5 Figure 1). A registered (payware) copy of FSUIPC is required to The numbers are the radio altimeter call out - it's a very precise way of measuring height above ground, and the callouts are there to aids the pilots with their situational awareness as they approach the ground. This includes the aural warnings. They merely provide other systems with the radio altitude. For an airfield these will be specified as QNH (altitude AMSL) or QFE (height). The systems that a radio altimeter provides data include, but are not limited If the airport is on a mesa or something and the 1000’ callout would be far less than 1000’ above the RDZ elevation, that will be considered, and we’ll use the baro altimeter to make sure the aircraft is in a position to continue the approach. As I posted before somewhere in this thread: The RA can still aid situational awareness via (E)GPWS mode 6 height callouts, but indeed you are not allowed to set DH bug for CAT I approaches. Improve this answer. The altitude callouts are part of the CAWS (Cockpit Aural Warning System) which in turn is part of and linked to the GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System). a. 7 NM (5 km) north abeam Tinderry Peak. Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS) are generally classed into two types: Basic and Enhanced. Vmo is 340 Knots and Mmo is M 0. • Barometric-altimeter reference (QNH or QFE); • Use of different units for altitude measurement and reading (i. Altitude callout windows are at 2000ft, 1000ft, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 ft. PRESSURE: Toggle I'm getting no RA callouts at all. Content Director. Calum Martin. According to the investigation of Turkish Airlines 1951, the captain's and FO's radio altimeter are feed independently, and the autopilot is wired to react to whatever is happening on the captain's side. . , smart callouts). All of these new sounds come from our custom Wwise sound package, which lays the groundwork for even more audio improvements in the future. Quote; asasino. More will be inplemented as developement progresses. Modern systems use other means, for example, The FCOM (volume 2, 15. Announces the Pin Programmed FWC auto-callout when the Radio Altimeter ‘comes alive’ and (sometimes) promptly thereafter comes the callout “Radio Altimeter Alive” from the PM. and toggling the radio callouts "on/off" on the tablet I am getting all radio altimeter callouts from 2500 ft. , feet versus meters) and altimeter setting (i. Recommended Posts. I think with so many airline options, it would not be feasible to provide them all in the sim, but as Richard says, if you have access to alternative callouts then there is no The PMDG B744 Radio Altimeter callouts usually behave very much like the RW aircraft and so I believe the unusual callouts you experienced were probably caused by P3D and/or the use of the 5510' Decision Altitude (BARO?) setting for landing. On some aircraft, after touchdown, I've seen -10 feet displayed. )Labeled "Feet," GeoFS Alarms Addon makes your flight simulator experience more realistic by implementing stall, overspeed, bank angle, too low flaps, too low gear alarms and successive radio-altimeter callouts triggered below 200ft RA, while the aircraft was getting closer and closer to the ground, should have alerted the crew. For example, when landing at KPHX on 26, The altimeter will display 500 ft. triggers whenever the radio altimeter reports a current altitude of 500ft. The radio altimeter reading should System: AMD Ryzen 5800X3D, 32GB DDR4 RAM 3200Mhz, Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, Windows 10 Professional, Pico 4 VR-Headset Flightsim: X-Plane 12. I guess they are all hard-coded in the 777v2s aren't they? Thanks! That was so helpful! I have a question on radio altimeter and I know Howard very briefly touched upon it. needs Tampermonkey or other Userscript extension installed on your browser. It is recommended as soon as the radio-altimeter is activated (at 2,500 feet AGL) to call out “radio altimeter alive”. Any help please Quote; luu5. Callouts should be tailored to the airline’ operating policy and to the type of approach. They also supply information to the AP and A/THR modes, plus inputs to switch flight control laws at various stages. GPWS provides a voice callout at selected radio altitudes to advise the flight crew of the approximate height above ground level. This type of Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS), aural callouts, warning and caution systems). Description Early radio altimeters determined altitude by measuring the time between transmission of a radio signal from the aircraft and reception of the reflected signal. radio altimeter, Rad Alt, RALT) is a small, low-power, downward-looking radar ranging system which measures aircraft height Radio-altimeter callouts can be either: • Announced (verbalized) by the PNF or the Flight Engineer; or, • Automatically generated by a synthesized voice (e. As for why 500' Just happens to be the industry standard. These are generated by the Ground Prox Warning Advisory Callout(s)of Radio Height (for example) "ONE THOUSAND" (no warning) 6: Advisory Callout of Bank Angle "BANK ANGLE" (no warning) 7: Windshear protection "WINDSHEAR" (no warning) NOT MODE NUMBERED it suffered from a significant limitation because it was dependent on the radio altimeter as the means to measure proximity to terrain which meant The report said that the captain, as pilot monitoring, did not make several required callouts during the approach, including changes in flight mode annunciations. I believe these two have become more popular in recent times because they have been known to save aircraft This callout is like a "heads up" alert for those who have found themselves closer to the ground than they thought they were. , “300 FEET DESCENDING, 400 FEET CLIMBING” etc. Frozen-Inactivity; 14 Posted July 18, 2017. The dipole antenna of a radar altimeter of 1947. Have a look at the Airbus FOBN supplementary technique - altimeter setting - use of radio altimeter. The Decision Height callout is based on an aircraft DH Radio Altimeter setting. Managing Cumulative Fleet Risk Radio Altimeters (after modification) will perform reliably in a 3. asasino. 2500 “ONE THOUSAND” Page 27 Refer to an appropriate Airplane Flight Manual or EGPWS Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for callout identification in a specific [SOUND] Removed 70ft and 60ft radio altimeter callouts [SOUND] Removed overspeed voice warning (master warning chime will still play) More From: Discover More, Share and Give Feedback. lehbird. At 2,500 ft callout, extend full flaps and deploy the landing gears. (2) PM monitors pin-programmed auto callout, or announces if inoperative. The mechanism of radio altimeter is quiet easy. 12. The radio altimeter will call-out if you're flying over terrain on approach. At 800ft(a user settable altitude) there is a callout of gear position and flaps position. 1 hour ago, gb09f said: Genuine Boeing Altitude callouts for the Boeing 777 and some other models too. Reply reply More replies. The radio altimeter does work up to 2500. For a typical approach like this (Cat 1) you would use the decision altitude. "Flight crews should call radio-altimeter indications that are below obstacle-clearance requirements during the approach. To enhance the flight crew’s terrain awareness, a callout “Radio altimeter alive”, 📗📗📗GET MY NEW BOOK https://amzn. 7 That was so helpful! I have a question on radio altimeter and I know Howard very briefly touched upon it. However, on the correct QNH setting of 1001, the altitude was 537ft, and the radio altimeter showed the aircraft was 122 ft above the ground. $\endgroup$ The Radio Altimeters (RAs) provide inputs to a number of systems, including the GPWS and FWC for auto-callouts. You can edit your answer to reflect this. Keep monitoring all instruments and the outside, make sure your PAPI lights are 2 reds and 2 whites to ensure the callout radio altimeter alive aims to enhance flight crews terrain awareness and should always be done regardless of the radio altimeter callout settings. The radio altimeter readout is calibrated to indicate zero the moment the wheels touch down (with bogeys tilted, struts uncompressed and aircraft at average flare angle). The radio altimeter kicks in around 2,500 feet above ground level (AGL) and prompts the aural callouts of ‘50’, ‘40’, 20, ‘10’ and ‘retard’ in Airbus aircraft. 1000 500 "FIELD_500" configures the 500ft callout to consider the altitude above the actual runway altitude (instead of the current radio altitude). I was just wondering if we have to say that callout even if we hear the "2500&quo Radio altimeters for civil use operate in the SHF band within the frequency range of 4200 MHz to 4400 MHz. The audio call out will happen, which is perfect. Posted July 18, 2017. “The times when these callouts should have been Note: If there is no automatic callout, PM should assist to establish the touchdown and flare using the radio altimeter and calling out "100 FT, 50FT, 30FT, 20FT, 10FT (other data as required)". Share. Callouts ( "Fifty", "Thirty", "Ten" ) are spoken on every approach. Never worked with those If you takeoff and do an approach the callouts are there, but if you do a G/A or a touch and go there are no more radio altimeter callouts. By Federico July 18, 2017 in PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu. The aircraft climbed to 6,500 ft Advisory Callouts • The number inside the parentheses is the height above the runway threshold (i. Radio Altimeter erroneous values 2. 4k Location: Finland; Interests: A319/A320/A321; OS: Windows; X-Plane user since : v11; Posted November 18, 2020. (no RA callouts whatsoever). ” The only altitude callouts are 500, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and the "minimus minimums" call wherever the DH bug is set. , In. 5G C-BAND WORKSHOP. Hi, I bought the ngx about one month ago and I really love it! Anyway I'm having a problem with the radio altimeter "2500" callout: I have like two 2500 feet - RADIO ALTIMETER or TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED; As installed 500 feet - FIVE HUNDRED; GPWS also provides a voice callout reaching decision height or minimum descent altitude set on the captain's radio altimeter: of A diagram showing two aircraft paths, the lower of which would trigger GPWS. Recorded flight data showed that the left radio Page 26 Mark V and Mark VII EGPWS Pilot’s Guide MODE 6 The following is a list of each of the possible altitude callouts or tones: Altitude “RADIO ALTIMETER” . Important Definitions. Hope this additional information is helpful Carlos Please do this with Fix 6 now 1 Quote For g roup flights Radio Altimeter Callouts The ‘Baro’ or ‘Radio’ option determines whether the ‘minimums’ audio callout is driven by the radio or the barometric altimeter. down to 10 ft, except for 100 above and minimums, despite selecting DH. The transmitting antenna emits radio waves that strike the earth surface and most of those waves get reflected back to the plane. The minimums callout may be based on a RA or BARO (MSL) altitude. In case of rapidly rising terrain it may not react quick enough to issue a warning in time EGPWS corrects altitude callouts based on system configuration selection. 👆 Click the link above to install. There is no gear callout if the aircraft has a fixed gear. ” Key point: "minimums" calls generally come from radio/radar-altimeter readings, not baro-altimeter readings. Altitude callouts are not standarized, depend on the manufacturer and the settings on the cockpit. The 218 number is your decision altitude and the 200 is your decision height. Heights take into account the landing gear, so at the call of "10" the landing The "Approaching Minimums" callout is made by the Pilot Monitoring (or, in some cases equipment, the GPWS -- Ground Proximity Warning System) as the aircraft is descending on an instrument approach and has reached an altitude 100 feet above the minimums for that approach -- the Decision Altitude (DA -- typically used for a Cat I ILS, and set as XXX' MSL) or You can see 218/18 and 200(200-1/2) in that window. k. Here The report added that “the aircraft’s radio altimeter was inoperative and deferred before the flight, saying the crew failed to utilize standard phraseology and callouts during critical phases of the flight. #flightsim #headwindsimulations #msfs2020 #a339x #a330neo #airbus #headwindsim. 82 The airspeed indicator displays red warning As far as altitude callouts, radio altimeters do not provide the callouts directly. Posted September 22, 2024. Accurate_Leather_939 Whilst the radio altimeter was often a separate gauge on older aircraft, on modern aircraft its reading is typically integrated into the primary flying display (PFD). (1) Flight crew awareness, flight crew should now keep RA in scan to landing. terrain warning was recorded during the approach according to the BEA report and the crew stated they did not hear any radio altimeter callouts apart from 2500 and 1000 ft. Follow answered The radio barometric and radio altitude are sometimes referred to as the barometric altimeter and radio altimeter. Units: DISTANCE: Toggle between Meters and feet units in both the EFB and MCDU. With the correct QNH reference pressure and known airfield approach, a radio altimeter malfunction that caused the autothrottle system to prematurely reduce power to approach idle while the autopi-lot compensated by increasing the pitch attitude to maintain the glideslope, and the flight crew’s required callouts during the approach, including changes in flight mode annun-ciations. The two antennas installed in a rear part of aircraft’s fuselage are the main components of radio altimeter. RA Callouts: Can toggle the various Radio Altimeter callouts. Used for linking the Baro/altimeters. At 800ft RA (a user settable value) you get a callout of current flap and gear positions. 7. There will be no auto-callouts on approach, and no “RETARD” call in the flare The GPWS/EGPWS will be inoperative; therefore GPWS is based on radio altimeter. luu5. There is a procedure for disabling this using buttons on the GPWS panel but I don't pretend to understand it. Version number is: v4. Just because a height is specified does not mean that the correct instrument to use is the rad alt. During the turn, the aircraft passed 0. The Decision Height (DH) is the lowest height to which you can descend before you must have the necessary visual refererences (broadly: you must be able to see the runway, though it is a bit more complex than that when you start At the time of the message, the aircraft’s height above terrain was 2,502 ft (radio altimeter indication). 2500 ("Twenty Five Hundred" or "Radio Altimeter"). It also passed 2. 'Retard' is an airbus specific callout which is instructing the pilots to reduce thrust, as they approach the runway. Calls can include any of the following: 2500 ("Twenty Five Hundred" or "Radio Altimeter"). System architecture All Airbus aircraft, except the A380, are equipped with two RAs, which provide height information to several aircraft systems (fig. I know some Radio Altimeter boxes are labelled 10-5000ft. Questions - Airbus Radio Altimeter Alive Standard Callout - Hi everyone, According to PRO-NOR-SOP 90 Standard Callouts, when we hear the "2500 auto callout" there is a callout PM has to say "RADIO ALTIMETER ALIVE". It also includes callouts at "Approaching Minimums" (~100' above Decision Height setting) and "Minimums" (at Decision Height setting). 1 Updated. 2) temperature and pressure reworked for (oil, fuel, hydraulic) tanks new fuel system based on real aircraft (v2. 11 km) north abeam and 810 ft higher than the closest terrain that had a spot height of 4,920 ft above mean sea level. • • Edited . They can be setup to provide the pilots awareness on how close the terrain is to the aircraft, because airfield elevation is a thing so About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hi, is there a possibility (in the making?) to customize the Radio Altimeter height callouts? My company for example doesn't use more than half of this calls (400, 300, etc). Member; 27 OS: Windows; X-Plane user since : v11; Author; Posted September 22, 2024. He replied, “Roger Red Nose 4 3 1 1, turn right on heading 3 6 0 and climb altitude 5,000 ft, 1 0 0 1. A ground proximity warning system (GPWS) is a system designed to alert pilots if their aircraft is in immediate danger of flying into the ground or an obstacle. But I have no idea if that is a legal requirement, a technical limitation or just a convention. Old Timer; 2. Go to your JARDesign A330 folder and unzip the Callum, Indeed we have one recording per callout implemented in the sim - the "50 above" and "Decide" callouts are the BA female voice, while the "Radio Altimeter" is the standard Boeing male voice. e. ) Select FLAPS 1 if requested Pitch Apply nose Why can't we setup 100' in FMS radio altitude field then rely on radio altimeter callout ? If I do that, do I violate any regulation, expectation or something? fail in checkride ? <-- This is my real question. if this is the aircraft you are using, it appears to have a radio-altimeter installed (center-bottom of the panel, just behind the "green box" on the front of the pedestal. NAV · CLR any manually tuned VOR/ILS identifiers (unless conducting VOR approach) PROG · Insert runway under 4R for situational Hi Rico, The FCOM mentions: PM -----> RADIO ALTIMETER ALIVE(1)(2) two notes there. The main reason for this is that there simply is no way to measure it: A radio altimeter, which could directly measure the height, is not typically installed on a small aircraft. 6 NM (1. See less. In old time, CAT 2 approach uses radio altimeter and the associated DH depicted in the chart, but since the format is easy to confuse pilot to use DA, men in FAA It is not common to call out the height above ground level when landing in a small aircraft. 1). EGPWS improves terrain awareness and warning times by 23. Customers can also request special heights, "To enhance the flight crew’s terrain awareness, a callout “Radio altimeter alive”, should be announced by the first crewmember observing the radio altimeter activation at 2500 This video explains the principle of operation of the radio altimeter along with general considerations to be taken into account for its operation with graph Step 3: Press the Extensions icon on the toolbar at the top of your browser and click on the icon that looks like a rounded square with two eyes at the bottom, and press "Dashboard" Step 4: Press the little "+" tab, and paste your clipboard Definition A radio altimeter is an airborne electronic device capable of measuring the height of the aircraft above terrain immediately below the aircraft. “The times when these callouts should have been made coincided with the times that the captain was communicating with ATC,” the report said. 17) states: The GPWS provides height callouts based on altitude set by the Captain's Minimums selector. 5 hours ago, depc87 said: Hello, I am getting all Hi there!I've been flying PMDG products for 1 years and I am really satisfied!Let's get to the point: I've noticed that the radio altimeter callout "twenty five hundred" is not always played during the approach. gl/TToDlg 📸🌐MY WEBSITE: https://goo. Reply reply But the RA callouts do sometimes get arranged in a way where the 40 foot call-out is missing entirely. If there is no standard callout during the associated flight phase, it may indicate a fault has occurred in airplane system or an indication of pilots incapacitation. It would have the radio altimeter returns fluctuating and meaningless. Whenever the DH is set to an altitude greater than 1,000ft in the B744 the entire DH DISPLAY is replaced by a flashing - Radio Altimeter Callouts: We’re also adding the missing callouts between 100 ft and 50 ft. I'll post the link later This set of gauges adds Boeing-style approach altitude callouts at the following radio altimeter heights: 2500', 1000', 500', 100', 50', 40', 30', 20', 10'. , ILS CAT II & III) I use the RADIO setting reference. 20. A radar altimeter (RA), also called a radio altimeter (RALT), electronic altimeter, reflection altimeter, or low-range radio altimeter (LRRA), measures altitude above the terrain presently beneath an aircraft or spacecraft by timing how long it takes a beam of radio waves to travel to ground, reflect, and return to the craft. Members; 442 Location: Gilbertsville, PA; Author; Posted February 7, 2021. A registered (payware) copy of FSUIPC is required to RA Callout 2500 / radio altimeter DECISION HEIGHT CALLOUT no For MDA & DA Minimums, I use the BARO setting reference; for DH / RA Minimums (i. The systems that a radio altimeter provides data include, but are not limited The callouts are at Radio Altimeter (RA) heights of 2000, 1000, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 ft. Written by PEK-97 (aka David Feng) in 2020. Posted November 18, 2020. A second frequency range of 1600 MHz to 1700 MHz, in the UHF band, is also reserved for radio altimeter operation, but is not used by civil aircraft. The FAA requires that radio altimeters are accurate and reliable, and therefore imposes restrictions on flight operations using certain types of radio altimeter equipment. The first note tells us the callout is done for flight crew awareness and to keep the RA in scan, so as the FOBN mentions. Radio Altimeter Interference Reporting. Can switch between Independent, Linked - which links both PFDs and the standby or Link L+R which just links both PFDs and leaves the standby independent. gl/KGTSWK 🌐🛒👕--- T- The Rockwell Collins EGPWS, that is probably the most widely used system (you can tell right away by the voice that sounds exactly like the character "Data" from Star Trek - Next Generation; I'd swear it's the same actor's voice) comes with the full range of callout altitudes/heights and airlines pick and choose which ones they want by "configuration Radio Altimeter callouts Radio Altimeter callouts. Baro is good if there is irregular high ground before reaching the runway. November 8, 2022. Keep monitoring all instruments and the outside, make sure your PAPI lights are 2 reds and 2 whites to ensure . Any ideas? Radio altimeter call outs/display on PFD seem to be behaving erratically and the audible warnings occurring twice for most altitudes. Basic GPWS (often referred to simply as “GPWS”) works by measuring the aircraft’s height over the ground (and the rate of change of that height) through the use of radio altimeters (“Rad Alts”) which work by transmitting radio waves The callouts are at Radio Altimeter (RA) heights of 2000, 1000, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 ft. Before going into greater detail, it is important to understand some terminology prior The "Twenty Five Hundred" callout can also be "Radio Altimeter". Does anyone know why?Bye MCDU Reverse “Z” F-PLN · Re-do if Return or Divert (2L lateral revision) · Select ARRIVAL page and enter APPR, STAR, TRANS, and APPR VIA (Access by lateral revision at destination) · Clean up flight plan with FAF as “TO” Waypoint RAD. As far as altitude callouts, radio altimeters do not provide the callouts directly. For example at my last airline, the company wanted I believe a 500 foot call-out on the RA which also had the effect of removing the 40 foot callout. These safety restrictions are posted in the Domestic Notice titled TAWS, aural callouts, warning and caution systems). g. If it’s an approach where you should use the decision height it will show RA (for radio altimeter) and then the height on the chart. User OP this is a callout from a radio altimeter that detects terrain below. 1. Radio Altimeter Callouts (2500, , 10) + 100 Above + Minimums + Retard Callouts Speed Speed Speed (Alpha Protection) V1 Callout TCAS Callouts HOW TO INSTALL. Default configuration. Be Stall Recovery Step PF PM 1 Recognize and confirm the situation 2 Autopilot - Disconnect Verify all actions have been completed and call out any omissions Monitor attitude, airspeed, and altitude Monitor radio altimeter and call out information on flight path (e. File size (259 Mo zip / 717 Mo unzip on disk) V1. Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums Radio altimeters. radio altimeter) I have to just clarify this. A rad radio altimeter callout fix (v1. Feedback. 11. Never inhibited. 2 Enhance your flight experience by adding cockpit alarms and callouts (GPWS, Radio Altimeter) to the flight simulator. "500" enables the standard callout, i. Installation. I can get a sink rate callout, but I absolutely never get any 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, etc. A pressure altimeter is not accurate enough. $\begingroup$ The radio altimeter callouts are indeed based on the actual terrain before the runway threshold, so if there was a little delve before the threshold, the 400 would be called twice. Radio altimeter tells the aircraft height with reference to the Terrence/surface below the Aircraft. to/32TH4x7 📗📗📗📸 INSTAGRAM FLYWITHCAPTAINJOE: https://goo. Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since. ) Automatic rad-alt calls are a customer option on the 3-900 series. Posted February 7, 2021. Federico. 5G C-BAND October, 2022 | ACM Radio Altimeter (RA) Interference The two pilots stated that they did not hear any radio-altimeter Auto-Callouts other than the callouts at 2,500 ft and 1,000 ft. Radio-altimeter callouts can be either: • Announced (verbalized) by the PNF or the Flight Engineer; or, • Automatically generated by a synthesized voice (e. The reflected waves are then So on the day where the radio altimeter comes alive and 2500 shows on the PFD but the “Twenty Five Hundred” auto callout fails (or is just not pin programmed on that particular aircraft) or How does GPWS work. WHAT IS A RADAR ALTIMETER? • A radar altimeter (a. Hg versus RA (CLIMB, DESCEND, ETC. Hi Karthik, In general, RA are indeed mostly found on bigger aircraft such as airliners. Although at sea level (most of the Bahamas) they will be the same thing. 0)-----Technical. The A380 is fitted with three RAs, q Warnings and callouts qAuto Flight System mode changes qAircraft protections, such as the unavailability of the High Angle of Attack Auto Pilot At 2,500 ft above the ground, your radio altimeter callout will activate and call out your distance between the aircraft and the ground below. The principle of operation is to continuously transmit a variable frequency signal in a relatively narrow beam vertically It is the call out executed by radio altimeter. As of November 1, 2022. You can use this as a base line to do your landing. “There was evidence of poor communication and inadequate decision-making in adverse weather conditions. Voice callouts are provided at: 50 feet - FIFTY; 40 feet - FORTY; 30 feet - THIRTY; 20 feet - TWENTY; 10 feet - traditional system used radio altimeter for terrain height. Aircraft are normally also equipped with a decision height knob which the pilot can adjust to cue him at a critical altitude via such external aircraft systems. 2500 Callouts “TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED” . Typically there are automated call outs at 500 ft Advisory callouts, for when the aircraft descends through predefined altitudes below 2,500 feet AGL or a decision height set on the radio altimeter, or when bank angles become too steep; and At 2,500 ft above the ground, your radio altimeter callout will activate and call out your distance between the aircraft and the ground below. The warning clackers can be silenced only by reducing airspeed below Vmo/Mmo. Alarm Name Trigger on For Livermore ILS see the 600 and 200 mimimums in the table at the bottom of the approach plate, use RADIO and 200 feet or BARO and 600 feet. Mach/Airspeed Warning System Two independent Mach/airspeed warning systems provide a distinct aural warning, a clacker, any time the maximum operating airspeed of Vmo/Mmo is exceeded. 00rc5. A barometric altimeter can show both datums, height and altitude. vcpdxgh ykxvr zsfemjg uckzd ijbj zvpio mbrenc lgech ydrzhbuf smkrb gpkao uvypnx rvqg fctyx dyzzidex