Smoothing groups in maya it's called "soft/hard edges" not smoothing groups though. The problem is that I can't edit my normals in maya, and when I try u This standalone MEL script automatically defines smoothing groups according to UV texture borders exactly the same way smoothing groups are defined in 3ds Max. OBJLoader2: smoothing groups not currently supported: "s 1" i'm new to mayabasically i built my model out of simple polys and then stitched them Fast and 100% accurate smoothing group tool for Maya. anonymous_user_741503d3 (anonymous_user_741503d3) March 3, 2015, 1:49pm Division levels Use the slider or enter a number in the Division levels field to increase or decrease the number of times Maya performs the smoothing operation. i’m converting UE old versions assets, and not going thru a 3D editing software. - IF I tria This video is about smoothing out the vertex normals on low poly assets, for better rendering and lighting of the object. I am working on a script that emulates the smoothing groups of Max inside Maya. I appear to be able to change the smoothing group button states just fine, however, I see no change in the actual smoothing on the model itself. The Divisions levels slider ranges from 1 to 4, but you can manually enter values of 5 and greater in the Divisions levels field. このオプションを有効にすると、 Maya FBX plug-in は、エッジ情報を スムージング グループ に変換し、ファイルとともにエクスポートします。 このオプションが無効に設定されていると、エッジ情報は スムージング グループ に変換されません。 While Maya doesn't have Smoothing Groups, with a little bit of planning and work, we can achieve the same result for our low polygon models. Essential for baking normal maps! - Bartalon/AutoSmoothingGroups Essential for baking normal maps! - Bartalon/AutoSmoothingGroups How to apply smoothing groups to the character Maya uses Hard/Soft edge information that it directly applies to geometry normals, unless you activate the Maya FBX Exporter Plug-in Smoothing Group option, and then Smoothing Groups are generated from. - `Units` should I would say it depends on your preference of modelling. It's a nice tool for I've brought my Maya file into Unity, but it doesn't seem to be smoothing as nicely as it does in Maya. For some reason I check the box in the Max OBJ exporter, but everytime I open the OBJ in Maya my smoothing groups are messed up. Is there a similar type function in Maya? Thanks for any help. I worked mostly on maya for the last 5 years or so, and I’m getting back into 3DsMax too. - Advanced Options: - Under `FBX File Format`, make sure `FBX 2019` is selected. If you toggle this on the error should go away when you import into UE4. by guitarit in forum Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge replies 1 on 08-09-2009 assistance with my University Major Work Solution - just not triangulate - don't solve the problem, for now I need to copy mesh, triangulate it in Maya and export with smoothing groups, but its hard whene you have multiple groups with many objects. I have recently been assigned a 3D modeling test as a part of a job I applied to. Part of this test is that I add "smoothing groups Smoothing Groups When you activate this option the Maya FBX Plug-in converts edge information to Smoothing Groups and exports them with the file. Does anyone - `Smoothing Groups`, `Smooth Mesh`, `Tangent and Binormal`, `Referenced Assets Content`, should all be checked if applicable. and i tried to rebuild with one of these Meshes from Maya come in with explicit normals instead of smoothing groups, but the only way I know to change that essentially removes all smoothing info and I have to start over with smoothing groups. But it could just be a problem How do smoothing groups work in Maya? Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge SimplyMaya Training & Courses Free Tutorials Community Forums VFX News Textures Legacy resources Sign in Username Password Sign in But yes bevel is how it's done in Maya. I read elsewhere of someone encountering this issue when the mesh was taken through Blender first and then to Sketchfab, indication the control over Smoothing Groups happens in Blender, but then why are Note The most common use for the Smoothing Groups option is to import geometry data from 3ds Max and so that Smoothing Group information is preserved for export at a later time. fbx files to keep those intact. some just set them manually or with a combo of by angle. I've never had a problem with my uvs exporting as objs. obj. In those applications you typically export your models to . loaders. artstation. 00. so what i’d like to know it’s is that thing really important. Please let me know if Smoothing Groups 3ds Max uses Smoothing Groups to create hard/soft edges between polygons, by splitting/combining vertex normals . Probably depends on the engine. 24 votes, 10 comments. They said I could use Max or Maya, though I am only actually familiar with Maya. When this option is disabled, no edge information is converted to Smoothing Groups . When this option is disabled, no edge information is converted to . These hard poly edges are showing even when the normal map and other textures are applied to the mesh. Stay Dead! Quote # 2 13-11-2003 , 02:19 Dann View Public Profile Visit Dann's homepage! Title pretty much says it all, whenever I try to import an object it'll harden the edges that I'd manually softened in Maya, making objects appear more jagged instead of curved. In settings I can un/check this option, but I dont see any difference with or without this option in exported files. Each has its own advantages and limitations, and it is important to think about which method best suits your needs. Each numbered button triggers a function, and earlier I thought there may be some bottlenecks in that function, so I assigned “print” commands as FBXExportSmoothingGroups FBXExportSmoothingGroups -v true|false; FBXExportSmoothingGroups -q; This command is the script version of the Smoothing Groups option in the FBX Exporter. Exporting with “Split per-vertex Normals” disabled produces this result in MotionBuilder: Fast and 100% accurate smoothing group tool for Maya. Hi, I created a character in Maya, and Export it into unity3D. When you activate this option the Maya FBX Plug-in converts edge information to Smoothing Groups and exports them with the file. If you want much more in-depth tutorial courses then make sure to check out our other full tutorial courses:Artstation: https://www. This tool specifically ignores texture borders that fall inside polygonal shells, such as with spheres, tubes, and other cylinder bodies; things you would Make sure you’re exporting Smoothing Groups from Maya and that your edges are soft (Normals->Soften Edges). Even if he doesn't have the specific thing you're looking for, I'm having a problem loading a . Turbosmooth you have to add more segments to get a nicer crease and smoothing groups you have to add more segments to get a nicer shading. This tool specifically ignores texture borders that fall inside This information is temporarily stored as blind data in your Maya scene, since Maya does not directly support Smoothing Groups. An . obj file does not contain any info or data on smoothing. and i get that message. Activating this option stores Smoothing Group information in your Maya scene. Even if he doesn't have the specific thing you're looking for, he might have something similar. Learn why the tradit Learn why the tradit Struggling with skinning issues in Maya? Do not use this option if you do not require hard edges in MotionBuilder, since this operation duplicates vertex information and converts the geometry itself. I was hoping someone here would know how You can smooth a mesh in Maya a number of different ways. 3 KB Do not use this option if you do not require hard edges in MotionBuilder, since this operation duplicates vertex information and converts the geometry itself. Hello. png 1255×811 74. You can use the Combine per-vertex Normals option in the FBX Importer to perform the inverse operation, but this may result in incorrect UV texture maps, see the note that follows this entry. Any idea when this will be fixed? Hi @sqwert Hmm that's unusual. There's a toggle setting under Geometry that says 'Smoothing Groups'. Believe me , i saw every thread for the proper settings of the FBX exporter ( tried exporting from 3ds max, Maya, I’m curious about UE and smoothing groups on imported meshes. It has no effect on User Guide > Basics > Using FBX for file translation > Maya FBX Plug-in > Export > File Type Specific options > Include > Geometry > When you activate this option the Maya FBX plug-in I'm wondering how I can make Maya adjust the normals of my faces according to thier angle to each other. He has made tons of great tutorials on Maya over 2 years and is still constantly coming out with them. Preserving the Smoothing Groups avoids the need to re-evaluate the Smoothing Groups when you reimport the file in 3ds Max (or other applications that support Smoothing Groups). - IF I unchecked "Tangent and Binormals", export runs fine. Unfortunately Maya has no This standalone MEL script automatically defines smoothing groups according to UV texture borders exactly the same way smoothing groups are defined in 3ds Max. I've included a picture of my model import There's no picture provided in your post. Below is the result, left is the original fbx, right is the exported fbx from maya. smoothing groups Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge SimplyMaya Training & Courses Free Tutorials Community Forums VFX News Textures Legacy resources Create Account Sign in Show Threads Show Posts Advanced Search Hey, Anyone know a good trick for keep Smoothing groups from Max to Maya. Please correct me Import your FBX file into to your original Maya scene to avoid geometry UV issues with split geometry. Problem is when I export the model (with Game Exporter) to FBX I have had this shading problem. Split Per-Vertex Normals Activate this option in order to split geometry vertex Normals based on edge continuity. As the title says, LT 2018 not exporting "smoothing groups" according to Unreal. Essential for baking normal maps! - Bartalon/AutoSmoothingGroups Skip to content Navigation Menu Toggle navigation Sign in Product GitHub Copilot Security For smoothing group you are talking about edge splits used to fix the smoothing by disconnecting the edges. 0 Unported License Learn how to use mesh smoothing in Maya and learn how to control your smoothed shape using edge loops. . xith3d. Does anybody have any tutorials on doing this in Maya? I just add edge loops and smooth preview but is there a way to do smoothing groups as the PDF shows? Use creasing in Maya If you're exporting to Unreal you must be in FBX format. obj files for import to any rendering software. The plug-in properly re-assigns the UVs to the newly split geometry. because if i had to go thru Blender i could fix it, but it would takes me longer. i get lots of errors like the following org. On further research it turns out that does not have an equivalent tool to the smoothing groups in 3DS Max, however, I have been using Maya LT for See Smoothing Groups for more information. When this option is disabled, no edge information is converted to Smoothing Groups. Reply reply More replies More replies veystass • If you're putting it into a game, you export the exact geo (think Thank you , your replies have been very helpful. (Maya assigns edge weight to affect smoothing between faces, while in 3ds Max smoothing groups are used). This standalone MEL script automatically defines smoothing groups according to UV texture borders exactly the same way smoothing groups are defined in 3ds Max. Its either broken or the Using FBX, you can import objects with hard edges and creases modeled in other applications such as Softimage, 3ds Max (smoothing groups) and Maya (edge and vertex creasing, partial creasing). 78K subscribers in the Maya community. Any ideas on how to fix these issue? I just need my edges to remain Other programs use their own form of smoothing that aren’t called smoothing groups, and all programs have some kind of system for that. smoothing groups in max is a good way to handle making the selections, imo hard edges are often as well in Maya. - But somehow Maya LT 2018 crashes on export, if I select both "Tangent and Binormals" and "Triangulate". For example in UE you can choose to recompute your normals if There should be a check-box saying “Smoothing groups” in the FBX exporter options. I understand what they do functionally but I get lost at how they interact with normal maps. Please send us your comment about this page Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3. You either Cant open file by Jimmer in forum Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge replies 0 on 18-09-2014 IK groups in Maya by zzz7net in forum Animation replies 0 on 30-07-2014 assistance with my University Major Work Project using Maya 2008 / 2009 Autodesk. Resources - Auto Smoothing Groups for Maya, USD $0. Yeah, it's pretty easy to fix smoothing groups in maya. I have attached an image to illustrate this. Another step for you to try is a fter you import, open your static mesh in UE4 and enable Recompute Normals and Recompute Tangents Under LOD0 Smoothing Groups When you activate this option the Maya FBX plug-in converts edge information to Smoothing Groups and exports them with the file. Note The Smoothing Groups option is most commonly used when you import geometry data from 3ds Max and you want to preserve the Smoothing Group information for export at a later time. Smoothing method Advantages Limitations When to Hello, I am trying to preserve the smoothing groups that I have made in Maya. I'm curious if there is some sort of way to mimic the turbosmooth modifier in Max. When you activate this option the Maya FBX plug-in converts edge information to Smoothing Groups and exports them with the file. For instance, this is how it looks in Maya: For instance, this is how it looks in Maya: 31026-smoothing_groups. 5 era) - but I can be remembering wrongly. Then I open unreal engine, import both fbx files with same options. This also increases or decreases the object’s smoothness. You can export smoothing groups with you . Hello, you’ve probably seen that thing dozens of times. I’ve been using Hexagon and Cararra for modelling until just recently. This option lets you preserve Smoothing Group information for future export operations. But when import the FBX meshes to Unity, Unity insists on modifying these smoothing groups. 0 · Share on Facebook Share on I know in Max this can be done using smoothing groups. This is for a games company, and we need a way to "set" attributes (double-sided, etc) for a group of faces. We share and discuss topics regarding the Most likely your model is not correct, Ngons and bad topology. It works fine till now (as much as its done yet) but it progressively slows down as I keep clicking the buttons on the user interface I made. I really do appreciate it. I tried all the Hey all, I've been having a on-going issue with the whole process of editing or exporting models that have locked normals and importing them into 3DSMax where I use a plugin that is meant for quickly compiling the models to source Hi guys, So I’ve been trying pretty much the whole afternoon to resolve this issue but so far i have no success - I’ve been messing around with some morph targets and everything imported really easy in UE4, except for the smoothing groups of the object. Maya uses Hard/Soft edge information that it directly applies to geometry normals, unless you activate the Maya FBX Exporter Plug-in Smoothing Group option, and then Smoothing Groups are generated from Hi PolyCommunity, I have question about smoothing groups when exporting from Maya to FBX file. サードパーソンゲーム用のローポリキャラクターモデルをmaya2019で作成しFBX形式でUE4に入れたところ、掛けていたはずのsmoothが外れてしまい困っています。エクスポート時に「Smoothing Groups Unsupported」という警告が出ます。解決策を教えてください。 Jaydehei I think I remember having read about smoothing groups in zBrush, and I’m pretty sure it is not so long ago (not zB3. Is there a similar function in Maya? Hey guys, I'm a Max user and I'm switching to Maya. Import your FBX into to your original Maya scene, to avoid geometry UV issues with split geometry. com/a/1564751G Hey guys, I'm a Maya user and recently I've started using 3DS Max, so when I found out about smoothing groups I was okay, because in my head all that it was doing was adding hard edges between each smoothing group and soft edges on the same smoothing group. obj file i exported from maya into a game using xith3d, apparently the loader doesn't support smoothing groups. So learn what makes sense. I had originally thought t Hi everybody! I'm currently a bit stuck, but for the past 2 days, I've been trying to move a model from Maya 2018 using Hard/Soft Edges to control the hardness of edges. So if you wanted to export your smooth groups to the max, just uncheck the "Smoothing groups" in the export window. Welcome to the Autodesk Maya Subreddit. you do apply them to the edges, not the polys. Check the "Import smooth groups" and you ready to do Because of this, the FBX Collada importer will generate Smoothing Groups during the import process. I’m a total noob when it comes to 3D modelling for games. Using Maya, I know that Smoothing Groups in 3dsMax, to the best of my knowledge, function in a similar manner to Soften/Harden Edges, but for UnrealEd 3 I can't seem to find a real difference between a your everyday Mesh and one with its Normals smoothed out. Maya stopped using smoothing groups many versions ago. I have a simple mesh with all edges set to HARD, but in Unity alot of them are smoothed out as you can see in the image below. It's more complicated, a list of numbers instead of a simple toggle, and not supported by any other app, except maybe Lightwave. We can see the smoothing is lost. Smoothing settings are important because at the very least it’s a way to make curved surfaces look smooth and rounded where otherwise you would see the polygons like facets on a jewel. Note Using this option permanently alters any UV maps applied to geometry. Primarily, the way you can set turbosmooth to respect smoothing groups. And once you I need to either make smoothing groups (MAX) or make hard edges (Maya) so far the only way to achieve this is using the "Mark Sharp" function but beyond turning the edge blue does absolutely nothing. I'm new to maya from 3dsMax, and we're looking for a "smoothing groups" method, meaning recalculating a set of faces for Gouraud-like shading, and also knowing/having control of which faces belong to a particular group. We're gonna start off by modeling a quick and low polygon space helmet. So now when you import your . Dose any one can teach me what’s wrong I did? Thank you! When you activate this option the Maya FBX plug-in converts edge information to Smoothing Groups and exports them with the file. This lets you continue work with the model in Mudbox, while preserving the appearance of hard surfaces and features like sharp edges. Report 0 Likes Reply 27 I’ve exported an FBX and opened in Maya, looks smooth, imported into UE4 and get message, “No Smoothing Groups identified”, mesh looks blocky. The problem is, when loading a model that was created in Maya into 3ds Max the smoothing appears ok at first, but breaks completely once any sort of edit poly modifier is used. See Smoothing Groups in 3D MAX3D MAYAsubstance painterPhotoshop3D modellingtexturing artistArtist3D artistZBrushzbrush sculpting3D animation and VFX#SmoothingGroups #Normalmap #UV's Discover the limitations of Maya's built-in weight smoothing options in this detailed tutorial. but here’s my question. Start off by smoothing groups Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge SimplyMaya Training & Courses Free Tutorials Community Forums VFX News Textures Legacy resources Create Account Sign in Show Threads Show Posts Advanced Search Maya uses Hard/Soft edge information that it directly applies to geometry normals, unless you activate the Maya FBX Exporter Plug-in Smoothing Group option, and then Smoothing Groups are generated Please send us your comment about this page Edit: I'm aware there is no such thing in Maya as 'smoothing groups' but a similar concept must exist and, maybe, a similar functionality to facilitate the tedius task of selecting edges to bevel. I followed tutor and Import this modeling in Unity, but the problem is the modeling isn’t smooth. If I open the exact same FBX (which has already been exported with smoothing groups ticked in the options) then in Maya they show as smooth and correct. In SP it always recomputes your normals but that doesnt actually mean it changes your smoothing groups. I'm not sure if I I'm creating models for Unreal and I'm looking for some help understanding smoothing groups. If you disable the Smoothing Groups option, which is the default state, the FBX Collada importer does not generate Smoothing Groups for a faster import. 3ds max's smoothing system with numbers is a mess and not based on the edge angle. Hi huys, so my problem is this, I'm trying to import an object in maya from 3ds max, when I do, my smoothing groups look correct, my all the edges are hard, even though my shading looks correctly just as I set my smoothing groups. smoothing groups Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge SimplyMaya Training & Courses Free Tutorials Community Forums VFX News Textures Legacy resources Create Account Sign in Show Threads Show Posts Advanced Search About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Hi, When importing an FBX into Max it appears to lose the ability to show and further updates to the polygon smoothing groups. Both ways you have to add more segments on the edges. I would like to avoid this I import a model into Maya from a fbx file, and immediately export the model as a new fbx. i would go into Edge sub-object mode, select the whole model, go to Soften/Harden Normals (i think it's called, in the Edit Polygons menu) and set the number to 180 (All Soft), and hit Apply. or how I can manualy assign smoothing groups. When neighboring polygons do not share the same Smoothing Group, this creates a hard edge between them. Hi, Here is something I don't quite understand: - I am trying to export a very simple object using Maya LT 2018. fbx file, the 3DsMax will ask you with import settings window. yzm sqzarte mxuc uju ttmzk vqj huuz ejm zqoci lsmx azjf byjxkv oyjzeis dsxiq ohiri